Have your pets regularly vaccinated, in order to protect them from harmful diseases like Canine Parvo Virus and Leptospirosis among others.
This is our unique way of monitoring your pet's health throughout their lives. We perform simple tests to evaluate their overall health. We can then pick up diseases earlier and treat them faster.
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There are two main types of anesthesia used in veterinary medicine. Local anesthesia provides pain relief for a specific location in the body, for example, a nerve block before a tooth extraction.
Laboratory services are a vital part of the diagnostic process when it comes to veterinarian care. This is because in many cases it is not possible to be able to give a firm diagnosis without undertaking additional tests to confirm the root of the problem.
Don't ignore your pet's bad breath! Lack of proper dental hygiene is often the cause of stinky breath, but it may also indicate other, more serious issues with your pet's health. However, we do understand how easy it is to miss as most of the problems that stem from poor hygiene occur where you can't see them - below your pet's gum line.
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While for many people the concept of grooming your pet conjures up notions of brushes and bows, it is, in fact, a vital element to their overall health and wellbeing. Regularly grooming your animal allows any underlying diseases or conditions to be caught early which means earlier and more efficient diagnosis and treatment.
We also look after those exotic pets as well. So bring your birds, rabbits, hamsters, turtles, monkeys, etc.